Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

These 5 Behaviors Might Prove Your Cat Misses You When You're Gone

Excessive Meowing When You Return - Your cat’s extra vocal greeting might be their way of expressing how much they missed you.

Follows You Around the House - A cat that follows you closely after you come home may be showing signs of separation anxiety.

Extra Clingy or Needy Behavior - If your cat is more affectionate than usual, it could be because they missed your presence.

Sleeping on Your Belongings - Cats often sleep on their owner’s belongings to feel closer to them while they’re away.

Unusual Restlessness or Pacing - Pacing or restlessness might indicate your cat is feeling uneasy when you’re gone.

Increased Purring Upon Your Return - A cat that purrs more loudly or frequently when you return might be expressing their relief.

Refusing to Eat When You’re Away - Some cats lose their appetite when they’re missing their owner, a sign of stress.

Scratching Furniture or Doors - Destructive behavior can be a way for cats to cope with the anxiety of being alone.

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