This data comes from a MoneyGeek study. Of all the states, Vermont depends the most on federal aid, with a dependency score of 100 and 35.83% of its revenue coming from federal funds.
In second place is West Virginia, with a dependency score of 98.4. This red state gets $0.26 back for every tax dollar, and 34.07% of its revenue comes from federal funds.
You might be surprised to see Alaska so high on this list, as you’d think the state’s oil reserves would keep it independent. Unfortunately, its sheer wilderness means it has a dependency score of 98.2.
New Mexico has the highest returns from federal funds, with $0.40 back for every tax dollar. 32.06% of this blue state’s revenue comes from the federal government, which is why it has a 96.3 dependency score.
Mississippi might have a lot of charm, but that doesn’t pay the bills, which is why this red state has a dependency score of 94.7.
Louisiana’s probably most famous for having so much great food, but perhaps it should be known for its dependency on Uncle Sam. It has a score of 94.5, and federal funds make up 33.38%.
Since it’s the home of Mount Rushmore, you might think that the tourist industry would keep South Dakota afloat, but sadly not. It has a dependency score of 94.3, and 32.96% of its revenue is from the federal government.
Montana’s dependency score is 93.5, and federal aid makes up 32.13 of its revenue, while the local government receives $0.14 for every dollar in taxes. That’s pretty surprising, given the small population.