Investing isn't just for rich people, though. Investing in stocks can be a great way to grow your wealth and achieve your financial goals.
Even if you're not raking in the big bucks, you can still afford to save some money. Even putting back five dollars each paycheck will eventually add up!
Credit card debt can become an albatross if you over rely on credit. However, choosing to ignore credit altogether just because some people abuse it is like refusing to drink water because some people drown.
Okay, yes, we just told you that credit cards are a useful tool. However, don't rely on them to get you through a financial emergency, either.
Renting isn't ideal for some people. Spending money on a place you don't own doesn't feel great but remember that it's just an option.
The sooner you start saving, the sooner you're going to have your money compounding interest for you.
It's okay to take out loans sometimes. Yes, it can be stressful to owe money-especially when that money is compounding interest. However, leveraging your credit to meet your financial needs is okay!
If you're married and your spouse handles all of the finances, don't just tune out of any discussion about money.