10 Flowers You Can Plant In July For Fall Blooms
Zinnia spp.
): These colorful annuals come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they bloom quickly from seed
Tagetes spp.
): Vibrant annuals that bloom in shades of yellow, orange, and red, perfect for adding a pop of color to fall gardens
Cosmos bipinnatus
): Easy-to-grow annuals with delicate, daisy-like flowers that attract butterflies and bees
Helianthus annuus
): Tall annuals with large, sunny blooms that can reach maturity in 70-100 days, depending on the variety
Tropaeolum majus
): Edible annuals with vibrant flowers that add a peppery flavor to salads, easy to grow from seed
Aster spp.
): Perennials or annuals with daisy-like flowers that bloom in late summer and fall, attracting pollinators
Celosia spp.
): Annuals with unique, plume-like flowers in bright colors, tolerant of heat and drought
Dahlia spp.
): Stunning perennials with a wide range of flower shapes and colors, grown from tubers that can be planted in mid-summer
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