Many bank fees can be avoided, so there's no reason to pay these if you don't have to. You can avoid the monthly fee with a direct deposit or minimum daily balance with the proper checking account.
Checking your credit report, no matter which side of your rating spectrum, is important. These reports will not only provide you with any problems or issues that you didn't know existed
According to a report by investment advisory firm Financial Engines, one in four employees doesn't save enough to receive the entire 401(k) match provided by his employer.
According to a survey by PopMenu, thirty percent of Americans spend an average of one hundred eighty dollars a week on dining out.
Not having health insurance is like gambling. You never know when a medical emergency will arise, and you could be out thousands of dollars — or more.
People who shop without a list can easily purchase way more than they need. Having a list keeps you from running afoul of your spending plan and spending more than anticipated on things you don't need.
Few people carry cash on them anymore, which can cause you not to know which ATMs are in your bank network. The problem is that ATMs that aren't in your network charge several dollars per withdrawal, and those fees add up.
If you don't take the time to monitor your monthly fees, you can easily end up paying for services you don't use. Sure, you might think you will get the itch to return to the gym.