Every service these days offers a subscription model to maximize revenue. The problem with this is we forget about the services we sign up for.
I can count a number of times without much thought when I went shopping for one thing and ended up bringing home a frozen pizza, ice cream, and a bag of chips.
While this act seems innocent, it is costing you money. You could save the food and reheat it for lunch or dinner on another day.
There are all sorts of fads out there, from Beanie Babies back in the day, to fidget spinners more recently. Heck, even getting caught up in conspiracy theories can rob you of your money.
It is important to understand the difference between an expiration date, a use by date, and a sell by date, as they are all very different.
Couponing can be a great way to save money, but it also can be a trick to get you to spend more. In some cases, we see the coupon for $1 off and can’t pass up the deal, even if we have no real interest in buying the item.
Paying to get your oil changed or air filters replaced can seem more like an inconvenience than a requirement. As a result, many people skip these routine services.