Weddings are expensive and often go over budget as unexpected costs rack up. Paying for weddings with credit cards with high interest rates will increase the total costs of the event.
It's important to resist the temptation to use your credit card to overspend on high-value items you've had your eye on for a while.
There is a way to pay off a credit card balance with another credit card: a balance transfer. However, as Forbes notes, it has downsides, including a balance transfer fee
When buying from a dealer, using a credit card for a down payment on your new car can increase your total financing costs.
Using your credit card for a vacation risks long-term debt for short-term enjoyment. The high interest rates of many credit cards will increase the overall cost of the vacation
It's never a good idea to use a credit card when gambling or betting at a casino. Playing Russian roulette with your finances can leave you with a large amount of high-interest debt that could turn into bankruptcy.
Mortgage loan servicers won't allow you to pay with your credit card directly. However, as Experian explains, there are ways around this, but "the fees and high interest rates may make using a credit card a poor option."
Paying for cash advances with a credit card involves a transaction fee, and the APR is usually higher than it would be for other credit card purchases.