8 Sketchy But Legal Jobs That Make Money


Scalping is a buying-for-resale method that relies on scrounging for deals and reselling products at a much higher price to make a profit. This can range from slightly immoral, like acquiring items for free and selling them.

Payday Loans

A payday loan is a short-term loan with a massive interest rate that typically targets poor people and keeps them in a cycle of poverty.

Private Prisons

In the U.S., private prisons are legal, turning prisoners into laborers who make little to no money for their work. That allows the prison industry to rake in massive profits for the higher-ups.

Multi-Level Marketing

While pyramid schemes are illegal in the U.S., some multi-level marketing companies are permitted. While many believe hopping into an MLM can get them rich quickly.


After what happened to Britney Spears in the early 2000s, many people believe the paparazzi hurt people. These photographers expose celebrity's private moments for financial gain.


While hitting the casino occasionally can be a fun outing, relying on gambling as your sole source of income isn't sustainable.

Predatory Sales

One example of a legal predatory sales tactic is when companies have representative cold-call older adults to convince them they need to invest in a particular supplement that they probably don't need.

Family Influencers

Many individuals feel uneasy seeing mom influencers on YouTube or TikTok flaunting their kids online to get views.