Cassowary: Known for its large size, powerful legs, and sharp claws, the cassowary can be aggressive and is capable of inflicting serious injuries with its kicks
Great Horned Owl: While not aggressive towards humans, the great horned owl is a formidable predator with powerful talons and can cause harm if provoked or approached too closel
Swan: Mute swans, in particular, can be aggressive, especially during nesting season. Their strong wings and beaks can cause harm
Northern Goshawk: A powerful and aggressive raptor, northern goshawks can defend their nests fiercely and may attack if approached
Osprey: While primarily fish-eating birds, ospreys have sharp talons and may defend their nests vigorously if they perceive a threat
Wild Turkey: Male wild turkeys (toms) can become aggressive during mating season (spring), using their sharp spurs and beaks to defend their territory
Canada Goose: Known for their territorial behavior, Canada geese can become aggressive, especially when nesting
Emu: Although native to Australia, emus have been introduced to parts of North America, particularly farms and private collections