Americans Are Tired of Tipping, Here Are 7 Instances Where You Can Skip Tipping

Thick Brush Stroke

Fast Food Restaurants: In typical fast-food establishments where you order at a counter and receive your food immediately, tipping is generally not expected.

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Coffee Shops: When you order a simple coffee or a standard menu item at a coffee shop without table service, there's usually no need to tip.

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Takeout Orders: If you're picking up food from a restaurant yourself and there's no additional service provided beyond packaging your order.

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Counter Service Restaurants: Some casual dining establishments operate on a counter-service model where you order and pick up your food at the counter.

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Self-Service Buffets: At self-service buffets where you serve yourself and there's no table service, tipping is typically not necessary.

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Ride-Share Apps with No Added Services: If you use a ride-sharing app like Uber or Lyft and there are no additional services provided beyond transportation

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Retail Stores: Tipping is not customary in retail stores when you're purchasing goods, even if a salesperson assists you with your purchase.

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Self-Service Gas Stations: At self-service gas stations where you pump your own gas and there's no additional assistance provided.

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