25 Cutest Dog Breeds, Ranked 

Labrador Retriever: Known for their friendly and outgoing nature, Labs are great family pets and excel in activities like retrieving.

Golden Retriever: Similar to Labs, Goldens are friendly, loyal, and intelligent dogs, often used as therapy or service animals.

French Bulldog: With their bat-like ears and affectionate personality, Frenchies are playful companions that don't require a lot of exercise.

Pomeranian: Poms are small, fluffy dogs known for their lively personalities and bold attitudes.

 Pembroke Welsh Corgi: Corgis are adorable with their short legs and long bodies, and they're intelligent and eager to please.

 Shih Tzu: These small dogs have a luxurious coat and a sweet temperament, making them great companions.

Beagle: Beagles are known for their loyalty, friendliness, and curiosity, making them excellent family pets.

Yorkshire Terrier: Yorkies are small but confident dogs with a silky coat and a spunky personality.